Meet Mr. Rajni Bhatt...a man of many talents. I personally loved hearing his story and how he came to this country, the obstacles he had to face being the breadwinner while his wife handled the home, just how traditional women did/do! He came the US in 1989 with a wife and a 3 year old!
Because he was the only one working and earning money, he had to spend most of his time at work and missed out on seeing his daughter grow up, which clearly still pains him.

However with the help of his wife, their daughter Megha grew up to be a beautiful and intelligent young lady who is currently working in the Health Care field.
Mr. Bhatt first began his career as an Engineer while working overseas in Iraq. After being overseas for many years, his wife's family in the US sponsored them so they could give their little Megha a better future with many opportunities.
After coming to the US, his cousin encouraged him to become a preacher on the side and it has now been over 20 years since he has been a preacher, performed ceremonies, married people, etc. As a matter of fact, he married me and my husband and even though my husband is not Indian, Mr. Bhatt made his scriptures and mantras in Hindi AND English so my husband could keep up! He is an amazing preacher and I every time I attend one of his "Puja's" I feel enlightened! He and his wife have done an amazing job, encountered obstacles, overcame them and their sole motivation is their only daughter, Megha. She got married last year and is very happy with her life, which makes Mr. Bhatt a very happy father!