Sunday, March 24, 2013

Episode 1: Deepak Raja

Meet Deepak Raja, the man who sacrificed almost everything for his daughters. What more does a person need in their life except family, friends, a good job, and some time to relax? Well Mr. Raja gave up three out of those four things and though he finds happiness in his family, he still yearns for more.. 

That yearning is what brought him to America in the first place and after being here for 15 years he still hasn't stopped wishing for more. He came to the US in April 1999 with nothing but a family, slowly but surely he was able to get back up on his feet and move into their own apartment.

Deepak and Vidhata worked a 7am to 4pm shift monday to friday while taking care of their young daughters. In 2003 they bought their first home together in Bear, Delaware where they still reside. Both their daughters are now married and have children of their own.

Deepak doesn't regret his decision of coming to this country because he knows that his sacrifice was worth it, it was worth seeing his daughters happy. He still hopes to make strides in the right direction and attempt to attain the happiness he has always hoped and wished for himself.

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