Sunday, May 12, 2013

Family comes first for Jeenal Mehta

Jeenal Mehta is my sister and we came to the US together in 1999 however we both had different experiences. She had a much tougher time because she was older and it was harder for her to learn the American accent. She didn't care about fitting in as much as I did as she always had plenty of friends back home in India.

I always looked up to my big sister because she never let anything get to her, for example she tells me a story in our interview that I had never heard before and I never thought that she had any trouble at school with someone not liking her or someone alienating her. It touched my heart to hear that story and felt an instant need to be there for my sister.

Her journey quickly turned to love and happiness when she met her husband, Amit. They dated for a year before deciding to get married and it was the best decision they ever made. They love each other a lot and its apparent to anyone who spends time with them.
1+1 generally is 2 but in these love birds' case 1+1 became 3 and his name is Aarav Mehta. He is the apple of their eye and a true joy in their lives. They are extremely happy as a family and hope to have another little one running around soon after! Jeenal wants to eventually go back to work and enjoy their family of four.

Learn more about her story and hear firsthand from her about her struggles in the following video.

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